Delicious BLT Salad Recipe: Mixed Greens, Bacon, Cherry Tomatoes, and Ranch Dressing


Looking for a quick and easy salad recipe that's packed with flavor? Try this delicious BLT salad, featuring mixed greens, crispy bacon, juicy cherry tomatoes, and creamy ranch dressing.


  • 4 cups mixed greens
  • 8 slices of bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/2 cup ranch dressing

To make this salad, start by washing and drying your mixed greens. Then, cook your bacon until it's crispy and crumble it into small pieces. Next, halve your cherry tomatoes and set them aside.

Once all of your ingredients are prepped, you're ready to assemble your salad. Start by adding your mixed greens to a large bowl or plate. Then, top the greens with your crumbled bacon and halved cherry tomatoes. Finally, drizzle your ranch dressing on top of the salad.

Toss everything together until the salad is evenly coated in dressing, and enjoy! This BLT salad makes a perfect lunch or light dinner, and it's easy to customize with your favorite ingredients. Try adding sliced avocado, crumbled feta cheese, or diced red onion for an extra burst of flavor.

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